Nimbin Central School
23A Thorburn Street, Nimbin NSW 2480, Australia
(02) 6689 1355
Nimbin Central School is a K-12 school with 240 students, approximately 80 primary students and 170 secondary students. The school is well resourced and has an excellent mixture of experienced staff and vibrant new teachers. Stage 6 students study for their Higher School Certificate under a Compressed Curriculum system, with all secondary students rolling over to the new academic year in Week 6 Term 4.
There has been a strong focus on Differentiation and Visible Learning over the past year and the resulting strong teacher learning community take joint responsibility for improved student learning and increased teacher capacity. The school uses Project Based Learning and academic extension, and is an Early Action for Success Phase 2 school with an Instructional Leader working with staff 2 days a week. The school operates on SENTRAL and Edval administration systems.
Parent participation is an integral part of the school philosophy as is our strong focus on student welfare. We are committed to providing quality educational programs which provide the opportunity for all students to achieve their potential.