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Chamber Chats October


David Hyett - President

Another action packed month in Nimbin featuring the main event, The Nimbin Roots Festival mid month, an absolute winner accompanied by a host of other musical activities on either side.

The Nimbin swimming pool finally reopened with a big shout to the Nimbin Crystal Caravan Park for pushing the buttons at council, also to Pauline Ahern and Sue Boardman for being behind the shove to make it happen, love your work.

Succession planning is on my mind at the moment , I invite you to join me in the thought process. 

Having attended the Memorial tribute to Katie Cawcutt, long time resident and past president of the Aquarius foundation, also being  acutely aware of other iconic Nimbin elders Peter Pedals Rainbow Power founder and Francis Moonshadow Hood of the Nimbin Hemp embassy all passing during October.  

It has opened my mind to think about how we as a community encourage the younger and newer members of Nimbin to take up the roles held by those that have been willing and able in the years gone by, whilst at the same time securing the knowledge of many notable past actions and achievements to advance our causes into the future.

I feel the key is for our community to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where established community members, newcomers and youth feel valued, heard, and encouraged to actively participate in community life.

My role as President of the Chamber is coming to an end in November after the statutory two years. 

I thank all members of the executive committee for their support and commitment ,at the sametime look  forward to engaging with and supporting the new crop of participants who are going to take pivotable roles in the organization.

I have to admit I will miss being addressed as El Presidente by my cheeky friends and associates. My resume would certainly be enhanced with the role, but damn it I won't be chasing another job beyond my life in NImbin.

The 2023 AGM for the Chamber of Commerce is scheduled for 5:30 pm Monday 20th November, which will be attended by the Mayor of Lismore Mr Steve Krieg as well as a member of staff from the labor party's sitting member Jannelle saffins office.All current Nimbin Chamber members and spouses are invited to attend.

Notable events during the past month. 

Big thanks to local mural artists for a solid response to an expression of interest to upgrade and enhance Nimbins Iconic mural art; more action on that front will be revealed in due course

The Nimbin Chamber collaborated with Lismore city council to bring presenter Kylie Mobray-Allen to town for a one day course on Artificial intelligence and Canva (a graphic design program)which was provided at no cost to our community and attended by 20 plus local business business and community members  wanting to upgrade there business skills. 

To finish off I would like to say thanks to all Nimbin and surrounds community members who contribute selflessly, give there  time and energy to enhance the value of living in one of the most amazing places on the planet ‘May the Sun Shine Upon You All Love Surround You and the light With you Guide the way Home” 


C/ Nimbin Community Centre


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© 2024 Nimbin Chamber of Commerce

Aborigine Bark Painting
Nimbin Chamber of Commerce acknowledges that we live and work on the unceded sovereign land of the Widjabul Wia-bal people of the Bundjalung nation and honour their Elders past, present and emerging.
Through understanding and honouring First Nations Peoples' deep enduring connection to Country we can build more resilient and prosperous communities.
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