We are seeking expressions of interest in creating a mural on the wall that runs alongside the new pathway from the car park to the main street. Attached is an image of the wall. The mural should cover all existing graffiti tags. The brick wall is 10m long (from the whale) and the mural would be approx 2m in height at the whale end, under the air con unit, extending to 3m high at the end of the bricks. The cement sheeting adds another 7m to the mural length and would be approx 2.6m in height (to cover existing tags). The mural does not have to cover the entire 17m but the graffitti tags must be painted over. The whale is to be left as is.
The mural is to be done in situ with attention given to work health & safety rules eg protect people using the laneway from tripping over stuff. While the wall is not high a ladder will be required and your safety and that of those walking by must be paramount in your planning. If you wish to close off the laneway at any time permission will be required from Council (the Chamber can facilitate that with notice)
We are seeking suggestions from those who have expressed an interest in creating murals alongside others who may not be in our data base.
Things for consideration in your EOI:
Submissions must include a budget including the cost of materials (please note that the Chamber's budget for this is limited but not unreasonable)
Confirmation that the project can be completed and invoiced by mid September - there can be no extensions.
The property owner has requested an Australian natural environment theme. Submissions must include an outline of what is envisaged for the mural (rough drawings would be very useful) and the area proposed for coverage (feel free to take your own measurements)
EOIs for this project must be received by the Chamber as a reply to this email by 5pm Friday 19th July
Copyright for the mural delivered will belong to the Chamber and this must be confirmed in your submission
Details of.how the project will be undertaken, including how safety will be addressed
We are seeking a mural - not necessarily a work of art! Apologies to all the artists out there but we cannot have someone spending months and months on this project paying attention to all the fine detail.